Mr. Sachin Wadhwa +91-8800484985 (WhatsApp Call Only)
Monday to Friday: Evening Time Only (Summer Time): 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. | Winter Timing is 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. | For Weekend: Saturday Sunday Morning Batch 9 am to 10:30 am only. | By appointment only. (Confirm in Call Before Come)

Skating Classes

Discover the Joy of Skating!

Skating is our specialty. Whatever your Age or Level, Krishna Sports Academy’s team of experts offer courses specifically designed to match your goals and needs.

Learn to skate or perfect your technique thanks to our passionate team of professionals. They will make you feel confident, secure and at ease during each practice session so you can expect to have a great time, every time!

Just like learning to ride a bike, learning how to skate is a skill acquired for life.  Our dynamic team of coaches has put together courses that are jam-packed with fun and instructive, as well as safe skating activities. Each class consists of warm-up and theoretical activities, followed by a series of practical games and exercises. This prime teaching structure is guaranteed to create an engaging environment for kids to learn valuable skills in balance, forward & backward skating, turning, power and speed.

Benefits: Studies have shown that roller skating provides a complete aerobic workout and involves all of the body's muscles, especially the heart. Roller skating is equivalent to jogging in terms of health benefits and caloric consumption, reduction of body fat, and leg strength development.

Our Little Champs Won Skating Championship

skating winner