Mr. Sachin Wadhwa +91-8800484985 (WhatsApp Call Only)
Monday to Friday: Evening Time Only (Summer Time): 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. | Winter Timing is 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. | For Weekend: Saturday Sunday Morning Batch 9 am to 10:30 am only. | By appointment only. (Confirm in Call Before Come)

Semi-Classical Dance


Semi Classical Dance….… This type of dance breaks the stylized structures and forms of the classical dance, and adopts a more contemporary feel and steps. All along the ethos of the basic dance remains intact. Semi classical is the combination of classical dance performed on any Bhajans and Ghazals.

The steps and moves of semi-classical dance are not as complex or intricate as pure classical forms. However, the authenticity of the Indian dance form is preserved and students are able to grasp these lighter semi-classical dances easily. Semi-classical dances are fun and fluid.

Students will learn and apply this dance style to some of Bollywood’s more “Classical” beats. Learn to use music and rhythm to engage reluctant dancers and to improve the level of detail and variety in their dance. Prepares students to bring their skills and concepts through active, experiential, student centered teaching of music and dance.