Mr. Sachin Wadhwa +91-8800484985 (WhatsApp Call Only)
Monday to Friday: Evening Time Only (Summer Time): 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. | Winter Timing is 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. | For Weekend: Saturday Sunday Morning Batch 9 am to 10:30 am only. | By appointment only. (Confirm in Call Before Come)


Krishna Sports Academy is the best training academy in Delhi & NCR area for various Self Defence programs such as Taekwondo / Tae Kwon Do, Mixed Martial Art (MMA), Martial Arts Weapon Training, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay-Thai. Self-Defence Training for Men, Women,Teenagers and Children. In Krishna Sports Academy You can learn these extra skills in a very easy way to defend themselves and their near & dear one from mishappening in bad situation.




Why there is need of Self-Defence training?

We live in a society that has become increasingly dangerous. Every day, media brings us stories of muggings, stealing, bashing, stabbing, kidnapping, rape and recalls murder-disaster danger, we face as individuals when we least expect it. Innocent, weak and vulnerable victims by vicious attackers who care nothing pain, suffering and inconvenience of others. Here you need to tamper with the art of self-defence.

How can we get rid of it?

Skills learned in the Krishna Sports Academy’s self-defense program are to be used in real life situations. Self Defence training is not a sport or a point match. Because in real life, you do not get any chance to pick your bad guy. He/she will almost always pick the time, place and/or method of attack. You’ll never get this luxury. We train our students with this in mind. This is why Krishna Sports Academy was developed to be extremely effective in real life. At Krishna Sports Academy, you will develop the ultimate mindset for real self-defence and the skills you need to defend against any situation.


Do you know how to use and defend against sticks, knives, and guns? If you want to be able to physically defend yourself, then you need to. Weapons can give you a tremendous advantage, but when these used against you, a similar disadvantage. Because prevention is easy to learn, it should be your primary focus in self-defence. Real physical defence is both hard and extremely dangerous. But physical training and Martial Arts are great for both physical and mental health, and a great deal of fun.

Who can get Benefit?

Everyone can get the benefit. The ability to improve your situation when you find yourself in a bad one is not just for people of a certain age, gender or fitness level. Because anyone can be targeted by an attacker, everyone deserves the ability to improve their defenses. Prior experience isn’t necessary to learn real-life self-defence.