Mr. Sachin Wadhwa +91-8800484985 (WhatsApp Call Only)
Monday to Friday: Evening Time Only (Summer Time): 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. | Winter Timing is 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. | For Weekend: Saturday Sunday Morning Batch 9 am to 10:30 am only. | By appointment only. (Confirm in Call Before Come)

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)


What is Mixed Martial Arts or MMA

Mixed martial Arts or MMA is a full-contact combat sport, that allows both striking and grappling, both standing and on the ground, using techniques from other combat sports and martial arts. The first documented use of the term mixed martial arts was in a review of UFC 1 by television critic Howard Rosenberg in 1993. The term gained popularity when, then one of the largest websites covering the sport, hosted and republished the article. The question of who actually coined the term is subject to debate.

Mixed martial Arts or MMA incorporates three basic skills: striking, grappling, and wrestling, for the purpose of full-contact competitions with varying rules. It also can be referred to as no-holds-barred fighting, vale tudo (Portuguese: “anything goes”), ultimate fighting and cage fighting.

The goal for many MMA competitors is to develop a well-rounded skill set that can simultaneously showcase their primary strength and downplay the weakness of their lesser abilities. For example, Brazilian jiu-jitsu or Greco-Roman wrestling fighters tend to evade strikers long enough to take them down to the ground where they are most comfortable.

Here are 10 Reasons to Study and Train Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

1) Training Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) will build confidence in you. When you know how to fight your mind is a little calmer, a little freer, and a little more relaxed. When you know how to throw a punch, break an arm, or choke someone unconscious there isn’t too much threat of physical confrontation. And if there is a threat, it is easier to walk away.

2) Training MMA will teach you discipline. As with any sport, MMA requires discipline. It teaches the discipline of mind and body. Training MMA teaches the discipline of eating right, sleeping right, and training right.

3) Training MMA is an excellent physical workout. Sparring (Boxing practice during training) or grappling (wrestling or ground-fighting practice) for 3-5 minute rounds is absolutely brutal cardio, which is why fighters are usually in top notch physical condition. There is no treadmill or stair-master in the world that can beat the benefits of practice fighting.

4) Training MMA will teach you self-defense. If the need should ever arise you will be able to defend yourself against would be attackers. Nightclub bouncers are notorious tough-guys who love to start fights and gang up on bar patrons.

5) Training MMA is a good manly hobby. Here we talked about causes of depression in males and one of the big reasons is lack of anything physical or masculine. Fighting in a controlled environment is just a damn good hobby that promotes values like courage, strength, will and heart.

6) Training MMA fulfills man’s need for physical expression aka violence. We don’t want violence in our daily lives but we still yearn for physicality. We all get pumped up seeing fights in movies or TV or when we hear about someone who was accosted by thugs and kicked the crap out of the them. Training MMA is a perfect middle ground. You can train (or fight) in controlled areas and release aggression with no threat of repercussions, jail time, murder etc..

7) Training MMA teaches competition. The 2nd best person in a fight is a big ol’ loser. “Winning isn’t everything!” It is when their are only two of you. Training MMA will bring that winning drive and spirit to the surface, which can be utilized in other aspects of daily life like business and relationships. Competition is good. A person training in MMA will not spar or grapple with too many opponents willing to roll over and lose – it’s real competition and everyone wants to win.

8) Training MMA is a huge stress reliever. Above, we talked about how fighting releases aggression and it’s true. After an hours session of training, when you are completely drenched in sweat, tired and sore as hell, ready for a big meal and sleep there can be no more room for stress.

9) Camaraderie. When training at an MMA gym you will meet a whole bunch of people with similar interests as you. You aren’t going to run into too many nancy-boys afraid of their own shadow. You get to hang with other big dogs while kicking ass and taking names.

10) Chicks dig fighters. Women love violence. They will say things like “I hate violence. I hate those meathead guys that fight all the time.” The women who say things like this have one thing in common: they’re lying. Women absolutely love men who handle violent confrontation and come up the winner. It’s in their nature, it’s in their DNA. Something you won’t read in a newspaper: Ghetto thugs who often beat up weak people are rewarded with sex by their ghetto mistresses. You’re smarter than fighting all the time – but simply being able to handle violent confrontation (having the Eye of the Tiger) is enough to get them wet.

Sounds great! Where do I sign up?

Click HERE and ask for a Mixed Martial Arts Coaching in your Area.