Mr. Sachin Wadhwa +91-8800484985 (WhatsApp Call Only)
Monday to Friday: Evening Time Only (Summer Time): 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. | Winter Timing is 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. | For Weekend: Saturday Sunday Morning Batch 9 am to 10:30 am only. | By appointment only. (Confirm in Call Before Come)

Jazz Dance


They are called Jazz dance lessons, but you won’t hear traditional Jazz music in them.

If you ask for an explanation of a Jazz dance phrase, you’ll probably be told it in French ballet terms.

So it’s a real mixture. Something you can’t quite define.

But in spite of all this, or maybe because of it, Jazz classes are some of the most enduringly popular dance lessons around.

They are absolutely superb for toning the whole body. They are a hard workout but are also incredibly rewarding. And they are huge fun.

If you have never danced in your life before, want to get a real taste of the dance world and pick up some moves along the way, you can’t get a better start than a Jazz dance lesson.

Unsurprisingly, there are very broad definitions of what a Jazz class should actually contain.

Some are absolutely frantic – jumping, bouncing, high kicks, high energy.

At the opposite end of the scale, others can be quite lyrical and very structured. Again, it is a real mix.

We’ve seen many Jazz classes that are billed as being suitable for beginners but which are actually far above what a true beginner would be capable of, so…

Choose your Jazz class carefully

Jazz teachers (male and female alike) are impressively flexible, strong dancers.

They can have ridiculously bendy bodies and perhaps sometimes forget that a beginner might not even be able to touch their toes.

To end up in a ‘beginners’ class and see the teacher flinging themselves around with their legs tucked up behind their ears can make you feel just a little self-conscious.

So choose your class carefully or you may end up in the hospital!

Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through what you need to know.

And as a treat, if you can, go to see a class of professional Jazz dancers being put through a limbering or stretching session.

The sheer physicality of these dancers is truly remarkable and their bodies are incredible.

It’ll spur you on.