Mr. Sachin Wadhwa +91-8800484985 (WhatsApp Call Only)
Monday to Friday: Evening Time Only (Summer Time): 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. | Winter Timing is 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. | For Weekend: Saturday Sunday Morning Batch 9 am to 10:30 am only. | By appointment only. (Confirm in Call Before Come)

Boxing Training


For those that wish to challenge themselves and take it to the ring or just want to learn how to box, this class is for you.

You will learn the most technical aspects of boxing which will help you to develop your skills as a boxer. The classes teach you the correct technique of a professional boxing and focus on your boxing form, feet work, defense and attack drills, sparring etc along with developing your individual fighting style.

The Boxing Workout

The time has come to reinvent your fitness workout!

Join us today to put the fun back into your training. The Krishna Sports Academy was established in 2008 and since then has helped thousands of people dramatically improve their lifestyle through our boxing workouts. Start with our Boxercise sessions and when you’re ready, try our Boxing classes for the next level of training.

The Boxercise workout has been created through the years of Professional and Amateur boxing experience of Ashley Fourie and tailored to provide a cardio fat burning workout to suit anyone.

The Boxercise workout allows you to train with others but at a pace that is comfortable for you or you can push yourself when your fitness levels start improving.

Join us for a free training session to evaluate our training methods, facilities, and coaches.